Tuesday 24 January 2012

SWTOR Smuggler PVP Builds

Are you playing as a Smuggler in Star Wars : The Old Republic and would like to learn how to properly build your character for healing? Well if you are looking to create a solid build or just simply to improve on your Smuggler build right now, you have definitely come to the right place.

My name is Connie Heo and I have been playing SWTOR since beta and have been avid about it ever since! I consider myself to be a pretty good SWTOR player and have even helped other players come up with viable builds for different situations.

So I decided to put my experience to use to help more people create viable Smuggler builds for healing.

Depending on your playstyle with the Smuggler, you can either be a very important support or or a devastating force that melts enemies away through stealth and ranged attacks with the proper PVP builds.

However, it is important to note that doing well in PVP does not come down to 100% of your builds.

Although extremely important, factors such as ability rotations, equipment and strategies (as a few examples) all influence where your ranking will be in warzones.

Below, I have only outlined proper and viable PVP builds for both the Smugger Gunslinger and Smuggler Scoundrel. Although these builds alone will not help you dominate warzones, they will definitely make an impact.

SWTOR Smuggler Gunslinger PVP Build

When choosing what talent tree to spec into for a solid PVP build for my Gunslinger, I was inclined to put my points into Saboteur rather than Dirty Fighting or Sharpshooter.

You may have heard that this build is ineffective for PVP as it focuses on AOE attacks, which means that your character won't have as high damage output as it possibility could.

I used to think this way as well, however after trying this uncommon PVP Gunslinger build myself, I was surprised at how well I did in warzones! I enjoyed focusing on multiple targets at once rather than focusing on one opponent and moving to another after he was defeated.

My completed PVP build for my Gunslinger at level 50 is 3/30/8.

This PVP Saboteur build allowed my Gunslinger to deal significant damage to multiple enemies with my Thermal Grenade, Shrap Bomb, Sabotage Charge and Quickshot while I maintained high mobility to escape dangerous situations.

Below is a screenshot of my completed PVP build for my Gunslinger at level 50.


SWTOR Smuggler Scoundrel PVP Build

There are two PVP roles that you can play as when using the Smuggler Scoundrel in warzones. You can either choose to be a support character and heal people or go around the warzone and kill enemies with stealth and melee abilities!

The role that suited my play style the best in PVP was to do high damage and to rack up kills on the scoreboard, so I decided to spec into the Scrapper talent tree and split the remainder of my points into Sawbone rather than spec'ing into Sawbone and have my remaining points in Scrapper to play a supporting role.

My completed PVP build at level 50 is 7/31/3.

This build will allow you to go around the battlefield while in stealth and pick off enemies one by one with high damaged melee attacks. Remember, if you are in stealth and kill a target without attacking or being attacked, you can restealth after the killing blow immediately.

Below is a screenshot of my completed PVP build at level 50.


Do you want more Smuggler builds? Visit: SWTOR Smuggler build

Sources: Knol Wetpaint Live Journal

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