Tuesday 24 January 2012

SWTOR Bounty Hunter Tank Build

Are you playing as a Bounty Hunter in Star Wars: The Old Republic and want to learn how to build your advanced class properly for tank? If you want a quick guide to show you solid builds, you have definitely come to the right place!

My name is Connie Heo and I have been addicted to SWTOR ever since beta. I consider myself to be a solid SWTOR player and have been using these builds to help me dominate my enemies quickly and easily.

I have even helped other people create viable builds through different forums and websites along the way! So, in this guide I will show you multiple builds that will allow you to effectively dominate your enemies for tank.

DPS builds can be created for both advanced classes for the Bounty Hunter, however if you want to tank, you will only be able to do so with the Powertech.

The reason for this is because the Mercenary has little to none defensive talents, which will prove to be detrimental on the battlefield. With that said, I will only show you the tanking build that I used for my Bounter Hunter Powertech.

You may be surprised after you see my tank build for my Powertech as it is not as conventional as your run-of-the-mill tanking build for Bounty Hunters. The tank build that I completed at level 50 for my Powertech is 24/17/0.

I did not want to put all of my points into Shield Tech because I did not want to sacrifice 100% of my damage to taking heavy damage from enemies. However, if you do not like this build, you can always go for the standard Powertech tank build of 31/8/2.

Anyways, below is a screenshot of the tank build I discussed at level 50.


Want more Smuggler builds? Visit: SWTOR Smuggler Builds

Sources: Live Journal Wetpaint Knol

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