Tuesday 24 January 2012

SWTOR Sith Inquisitor PVP Builds

Are you playing as a Sith Inquisitor in Star Wars: The Old Republic and would like to learn how to properly build your advanced classes for PVP? Well, if you are looking for a straight forward guide to help you do exactly that, you have come to the right place!

My name is Connie Heo and I have been playing SWTOR ever since beta and have been hooked on this game! I am not a professional player, however I do consider myself to be a solid SWTOR player and have helped other people create viable builds for different situations.

So I decided to put my experience to use to help more people create viable Sith Inquisitor builds for PVP.

In my opinion, PVP and warzones are one of the most fun aspects in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

This is why it is crucial for you to learn how to properly build your Sith Inquisitor properly to avoid dying 100 times and being called a noob by your team! Bear in mind though that PVP is not all about the build. Factors such as your teammates, equipment, strategies and even hot keys have an influence on how well you will do on the scoreboard.

But even though PVP builds aren't 100% of winning warzones, it is still important to learn how to have a viable build to increase your chances of winning. Below, I have outlined PVP builds for the Sith Sorcerer and Sith Assassin that has helped me obtain the #1 spot on the scoreboard many times. Remember that these builds are suited for my play style and might not necessarily work for you perfectly.

SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer PVP Build

Although the Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer has a healing spec talent tree, do not mistaken them for a class with low damage. In fact, the Sith Sorcerer is able to deal heavy damage from a long range, melting enemies before they even get close.

The PVP build that I found to be effective and fun for my Sith Sorcerer is 0/22/19. This build requires some patience and opportunity as it focuses on sniping enemies from a far. However, if you implement this PVP build and get in range for some sniping on unsuspecting enemies, you will be astonished at how quickly you can burst them down with your heavy damage.

You will also be able to take on multiple enemies with your CC abilities from this build, however this requires some skill and experience.

What you will need to do is CC multiple enemies and kite them around until they have enough pressure from you to start retreating. Once that happens, make use of your heavy damage from sniping and take them out one by one.

Below is a screenshot of my PVP build for my Sorcerer at level 50.


SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Assassin PVP Build

To create a viable and solid PVP build for the Sith Inquisitor Assassin, I found that a hybrid build of all the talent trees (Darkenss, Deception and Madness) was in order to be effective in warzones. The PVP build that I settled upon after much experimentation is 22/12/7.

This PVP build allowed my Sith Assassin to be able to take significant incoming damage from enemies, while I still had enough damage from my spec to give my opponents pressure. From my experience, this build is a little difficult at lower levels, however once you begin to reach the leveling cap, all the abilities and talents from this build are sufficient to help you dominate warzones.

A good tip for you is to make good use of your taunt abilities. Mind Control and Mass Mind Control are very effective taunts that allow your Assassin to reduce your enemies damage by a nice 30% for 6 seconds. Remember, once the taunted enemies attack you, the reduced effects wear off.

Below is a screenshot of my PVP build for the Sith Assassin at level 50.


Want more Sith Inquisitor builds? Visit: SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Build

Sources: Knol Wetpaint Live Journal

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