Tuesday 24 January 2012

SWTOR Jedi Consular Tank Builds

Are you playing as the Jedi Consular in Star Wars : The Old Republic and want to learn how to properly build your advanced classes for tank?

Well if you are looking for a viable build guide, you have definitely come to the right place! I have been playing SWTOR since beta and have been addicted to this MMORPG ever since!I consider myself to be very involved in the SWTOR community and have been helping people create viable and solid builds on different forums and websites.

Below, I have outlined solid builds that I and other people have used to successfully used for tank.

The Jedi Consular Shadow is an extremely fun advanced class to play that specializes in dealing damage in melee range and tanking heavy damage. In my opinion, I believe that the Jedi Shadow and the Jedi Guardian are similar, however the Shadow is more versatile.

To create a tank build for my Jedi Shadow, I spec'd into the Kinetic Combat talent tree and put the remainder of my points in Balance. The reason for this is because the Kinetic Combat talent tree is the most durable and offers the tank of abilities. The completed tank build for my Jedi Consular Shadow is 31/0/10.

This build is a pure tank build and offers a lot of survivability on the battlefield. Although this build has a lot of survivability, it has sacrificed its damage to achieve its tank status. So it is important to recruit a DPS champion to help you melt mobs quickly. Below is a screenshot of my pure Jedi Shadow tank build at level 50.


Want more Jedi Consular build? Visit: SWTOR Jedi Consular Builds

Sources: Knol Wetpaint Live Journal

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